Saturday, January 17

Happy CNY... Kinda

Brand new year. New hopes, new dreams, new salary (hopefully). Definitely need a new life. Goodbye dreary days, hello sunshine!

Starting a new year with resolutions isn't the most productive but damn if i'll let the "experts" tell me how to live my life!! I want to join a marathon this year, see some digits in front of the every present zeroes, and get myself some nice sweet girlfriend. hwahwahwa!

Been thinking of the novel i've been meaning to complete, started ages ago but somehow, after the first few pages, it just stopped. Anyone want to offer some fresh ideas? I'm stuck at the boy-goes-out-to-battle-evil part. What happens next? Boy meets girl? Boy meets lost love? Boy discovers lost legacy? argh. Argh! ARGH!!

Okay think the computer's frying my brains. Gotta go lie down or something. No, wait, that's for old ladies. I'll.. go something.. Like Now..

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